
    April 2024

    Team project. A tool that uses Monte Carlo simulations to explore the practical viability of different database normalization forms based on functional dependencies. It reveals that while Third Normal Form (3NF) remains practical, achieving Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) becomes less feasible as the number of attributes in a database increases.

      PaperDatabaseNormalizationMonte Carlo SimulationDatabase Theory

    CV ORB-ZMQ Stream

    June 2023

    Simple CUDA-enabled high performance one-to-one network stream for extracting and streaming ORB features from an edge device to a server

      C++CUDAZeroMQComputer VisionParallel ComputingHigh-troughput Software Development


    August 2022

    Empowering small business owners to digitalize their businesses

      ReactNode.jsExpressPosgtreSQLWeb Development

    Face Recognition-Guided 2 DOF Camera

    April 2019

    One of my early CV works, a face recognition system that smoothly guides a camera to track a face. The camera is mounted on a 2 DOF custom arm controlled by two servos. The face recognition is done using OpenCV and the camera is controlled using a PID controller. The system is built using an Arduino and a Raspberry Pi.

      ArduinoRaspberry PiComputer VisionOpenCVPIDEmbedded Systems

    Wearable Alert System for the Deaf

    March 2019

    A wearable alert system that vibrates when some certain sound patterns are detected

      ElectronicsArduinoEmbedded SystemsAudio Processing

    DIY Bluetooth Speaker

    May 2018

    Cheap high quality bluetooth speaker

      ElectronicsAudioPassive Filters

    Esaki Oscillator

    March 2017

    (old video) Building the simplest oscillator

      ElectronicsOscillatorAnalog Circuits

    Portable OLED Weather Station

    January 2017

    (old video) A portable weather station with an OLED display and a real-time clock

      ElectronicsEmbedded SystemsArduino

    ESP8266 - ThingSpeak Data Logger

    December 2016

    (old video) Logging data to ThingSpeak using an ESP8266 and a DHT22 sensor

      ElectronicsEmbedded SystemsIoTESP8266

    ATtiny85 Dev Board Programming

    October 2016

    (old video) Programming an ATtiny85 microcontroller using an Arduino Nano as a programmer

      ElectronicsEmbedded SystemsMicrocontrollersArduino

    DIY Lab Power Supply

    September 2016

    (old video) 180W 0-38V adjustable power supply with current limiting and digital display

      ElectronicsPower SupplyDIY