Courses Taken

Here is a list of courses I've taken so far in NUS sorted on each subsection by ascending level of complexity. Do read the note at the bottom first!

Current Courses

Course CodeTitle

Computer Science and its Math Courses

Course CodeTopic
CS1101SProgramming Methodology
CS1231SDiscrete Structures
CS2030SProgramming Methodology II
CS2040SData Structures and Algorithms
CS2100Computer Organization
CS2102Database Systems
CS2103TSoftware Engineering ⭐
CS2105Computer Networks
CS2109SAI and Machine Learning
CS2106Operating Systems
CS3210Parallel Computing
CS3230Design and Analysis of Algorithm
CS3223Database Systems Implementation
CS4221Database Applications Design and Tuning⭐⭐
CS4225Big Data Systems for Data Science
CS4234Optimisation Algorithms

Math, Applied Math, and other STEM Courses

Course CodeTitle
MA1521Calculus for Computing
QF1100Introduction to Quantitative Finance
LSM1301General Biology ⭐
MA2001Linear Algebra I
ST2334Probability and Statistics

Social Science

Course CodeTitle
GEC1030Metropolis: The City in World's History⭐⭐
GESS1014Islam and Contemporary Malay Society ⭐
RE1701Urban Land Use and Development
GE3204Cities and Regions: Planning for Change⭐⭐
GE3236Transport and Communications ⭐⭐


A list of courses that I deemed irrelevant but I have taken anyway

Course CodeTitle
IS1103Ethics in Computing
GEA1000Quantitative Reasoning with Data
CS2101Effective Communication for Computing Professionals ⭐


  • Courses written in bold means they point out specific areas of expertise
  • Courses written in italic means I have taught or am teaching the course
  • Courses labelled ⭐ are courses where I did well and I am particularly confident in
  • Courses labelled ⭐⭐ are courses where I did very well and I am particularly confident in
  • Some courses have links because I think the description might be quite important
  • These labels, however, might not necessarily reflect my grades :)